EquityPower Reverse Mortgage
EquityPower is an innovative reverse mortgage solution for borrowers who can benefit from a more customized solution. Whether your home’s value is too high for a HECM or you are too young to qualify,† we will build your loan around your needs and priorities!
Higher Loan Limits:
An EquityPower reverse mortgage can lend a significantly higher amount than the HECM allows. If your home is above the HECM limit, your available cash out will be capped. EquityPower can allow you to take full advantage of your equity!
Lower Age Requirement:
EquityPower can lend to borrowers as young as 55 in most states.† This is 7 years younger than the HECM age requirement.
No Mortgage Insurance:
HECM reverse mortgages charge an upfront mortgage insurance premium (MIP) as well as an ongoing charge based on your balance. EquityPower does not require any upfront or ongoing MIP.
Features and Safeguards:
EquityPower awards many of the benefits and protections as an FHA reverse mortgage. You still maintain ownership of your home, and you can still eliminate your monthly mortgage payment. You only need to follow the loan’s terms and pay your other payment obligations such as property taxes, homeowners insurance and maintenance.*
EquityPower is a unique reverse mortgage that was created by Nationwide Equities. This proprietary reverse mortgage allows homeowners with high home values to access their equity even if it is above HUD limits. Since this product is offered only by Nationwide Equities, it provides borrowers with liberal underwriting, expeditious turn-times, and access to their equity.
- The highest loan limits in the industry!
- Minimum borrower age is only 55 years old†
- No mortgage insurance premium
- No initial disbursement limitation – you take the full amount of your funds at closing
- Condos do not need FHA approval to qualify
- No monthly mortgage payments required (you only need to follow the loan’s terms and pay your other payment obligations such as property taxes, homeowners insurance and maintenance)
- Loan proceeds are tax free¹

EquityPower FAQ’s
Find answers to some of the most common questions about EquityPower Reverse Mortgages
Can I still make monthly payments?
Absolutely! Many reverse mortgage borrowers choose to continue making payments to lower their loan balance, just like a traditional mortgage. A reverse mortgage allows homeowners the option to make monthly payments to avoid any stress if you can’t pay your mortgage payment. Just like a traditional mortgage, you still pay separate property taxes and insurance.
What is the counseling I need to do before I apply for a reverse mortgage?
Counseling is an essential step to a reverse mortgage. After you accept our proposal, we will send you a list of third-party licensed counselors that you can make an appointment with. The counselor will make sure that you (and your spouse, if applicable) fully understand what a reverse mortgage is, and how it will fit into your retirement finances. They will discuss all your options with you to make sure a reverse mortgage is the best fit for your needs and priorities.
What exactly are “equity funds” from a reverse mortgage?
One of the primary features of a reverse mortgage is the ability to convert a portion of your home’s equity into tax-free1 cash. The amount of money you can access is based on three factors: your age, your interest rate, and the value of your home. Your age and interest rate generate a percentage, which is then applied to your home’s value. After any lien payoffs (like your existing mortgage) and loan costs are deducted, you receive your equity funds!
Equity funds can be disbursed through a line of credit, monthly installments, or a lump sum, depending on which reverse mortgage product you choose. You can also refinance your reverse mortgage! As your home value goes up, and you get older, your percentage increases, making more money available to you.
Our borrowers use their home equity funds in many ways! Among the most common are paying off credit card debt, upgrading their home or doing home modifications, purchasing a vacation home or investment property, traveling, starting a college fund for grandchildren, paying for a child’s wedding, and starting a small business. However, these funds can simply be kept as a safety net or used as cash each month.
If I refinance into an EquityPower reverse mortgage, will I get more money?
If your first reverse mortgage was a HECM and your home has a high value, you may be able to access more money! HECMs have a lending limit, which means no matter how high your home’s value is, you will be capped at a certain amount. EquityPower can allow loans up to $4 million or more.